The Smoky Mountains Aglow

In this captivating image, the Smoky Mountains are bathed in the ethereal glow of the setting sun. The rolling hills stretch into the distance, each ridge fading into progressively softer shades, creating a symphony of natural gradients. The sun, partially veiled by the mottled clouds, scatters a warm, golden light across the sky, painting the heavens with a palette of amber, peach, and lavender. The fir trees in the foreground stand tall and dark, their silhouettes framing the spectacular show of light, emphasizing the grandeur of the landscape. This tranquil scene is a testament to the untouched beauty of the wilderness, inviting reflection on the quiet majesty of the world's mountainous wonders.
  • Fujicolor Crystal Archive Professional Lustre Paper
  • 210gsm
  • Vibrant, fine-grain pebble texture
  • Archival: 100+ years on display, 200+ years in storage
  • Silver halide, RA-4 wet printing process
  • Sizing: White borders do not change size of the print
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The Smoky Mountains Aglow
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